Noteworthy Pageants

US Pageantry Noteworthy Pageants are natural or semi-glitz/glimmer pageant systems that recognize contestants for volunteer service hours or have an optional portion to raise funds for a non-profit organization. Pageants may have varying degrees of inclusivity with competition restricted to certain ages and/or genders. Venue facilities might not be able to accommodate people with some disabilities; you will need to check with the pageant director if that is a concern. Competition is focused on helping contestants learn the value of helping others while developing their own poise and presentation skills, public speaking, and self confidence. If your organization is interested in becoming listed as a US Pageantry Noteworthy system, please visit our submission page. Listings are free; you just have to meet certain criteria.

Regal Majesty Pageant

Regal Majesty

Regal Majesty is a national glimmer style pageant open to ladies of all ages. Some local Regal Majesty preliminary pageants have fundraising and/or donation components.

International Junior Miss

International Junior Miss

International Junior Miss is a natural pageant open to ladies between the ages of 4-24 with recognition given for contestant and royalty community service involvement.

Your Pageant Here

See Your Pageant Here

Refer your pageant if you would like to see your system on our website. Listings are free; you just have to meet certain criteria.